This web page details all what you have to know about the organization of our next Field Trial Open for Retrievers:
Address: Belgium, Rue du Long Pont 2, 1360 Perwez (Thorembais-St-Trond)
Dogs and judges:
- Registrations are limited to a total of 10 dogs + 2 CQN
- Proof Director is
- Judges are:
To register your dog, please go on
- Entrance fee is 50€ for United Gundog Club’s members and 80€ for non-members. Fee to be paid the day of the competition. Cash only allowed.
- Registrations will close on th, 2022.
The competition starts at 13:00 PM.
Competitors are expected from 12:00 PM at the registration desk.
No meal foreseen for the competitors. Only drinks available.
If you have any supplementary queries or requests, don’t hesitate to contact us at
Looking forward to welcoming you!
The United Gundog Club asbl